ON DEMAND Webinar: Peek into the Mobile Mapping Workflow
3D Mobile Mapping solutions bring together innovative software and high-tech scanning and visualisation platforms in a mobile format that delivers fast, accurate and comprehensive understanding of environments. Detailed visualisation of environments that have previously been very difficult to measure and analyse is now possible, including underground and underwater structures.
Leica Pegasus:Two is a complete mobile mapping solution from hardware to object extraction. The Leica Pegasus:Two solution provides an integrated hardware platform including cameras and lidar profilers with an external trigger and sync output for additional sensors.
Topics covered in this webinar include:
- Application-specific workflow solutions
- How to increase your ROI by collecting more data in one pass
- How to create new revenue streams by using one platform for multiple applications
- Decrease your time in the field by 40-60 per cent.
Join our mobile mapping expert in this on-demand webinar to discover how Leica’s innovative mobile sensor platform can deliver significant benefits to users and asset owners.